25.1. General FAQs
  • 11 Sep 2023
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25.1. General FAQs

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Article summary

Q1. What is the best way to upskill on Natterbox reports and dashboards?

Natterbox reports and dashboards are just salesforce reports and dashboards. The best way to improve your skills is to use trailheads. You can sign up for free and it's Salesforce's own learning platform.

Q2. How can I find the Natterbox app or other objects?

Search for the terms in the app launcher  . Here are some key apps/tabs:

  • Natterbox AVS Lightning
  • Natterbox Call Center Configuration
  • Insight Search

Q3. How long do callback requests take to timeout?

Callback requests do not timeout. They will stay in the call queue until the agent(s) make 3 unsuccessful callback attempts. A callback attempt is not counted if the agent puts the phone down before the call rings out (so while the text saying it is a callback is playing). The only way to flush out a callback attempt that has not been attempted 3 times and has stayed in the queue too long is to contact support. You can see how to report on this in the answer to the reporting question above.

Q4. Where can I see information on skills?

  • In 3 places:
    • On each individual Natterbox user record
    • In Account Settings > Skills section > Edit the skills > Here you can see all the users with that skill and their proficiency
    • In reports (report type = Natterbox Users with User Skills and Skills)

Q5. How can I block a number?

Please see the first example in the Rule App section.

Q6. Where can an admin see which agents have their webphones (blue boxes) open?

There are 2 ways of seeing this:

  • Here is how to build a report to show whether an agent missed a call because their webphone was not open:
    • Report type = Phone Events
    • Filter on Missed Call Type = No Devices
    • Group rows in this order = Natterbox User this call relates to then Time
    • Optional: add these fields = Dial Type, Call Queue, Availability State and To Call Reporting record
  • Here is how to see if the webphone is open in real time (this is only for Natterbox admins):
    • Go to the Natterbox AVS app (search in the app launcher)
    • Click on the Devices tab at the top
    • Click Sync Registration Status to get the most updated info
    • Any boxes checked in the Registered column mean the user has an open and connected webphone.
    • Please note: if a user is still not receiving calls, they need to change their availability state to an ‘available‘ state.

Q7. How can I change the length call recordings are stored for?

This isn’t configurable on the customer side. Please reach out to your success manager to change this.

Q8. If I’ve just bought record licenses, what steps do I need to take to set them up?

  1. First, once you have bought the licenses, you will need to refresh the licenses on the Admin Home page. Do this by clicking ‘Reload Subscriptions’ on the top right.
  2. Check you can see the licenses are there under the Record number. If they aren’t, contact your success manager.
  3. Now, go to the Natterbox Users tab (in the Natterbox AVS Lightning app).
  4. Click ‘Manage Licenses’.
  5. Here you can check the boxes in the Record column for the users you wish to add the license to. If you wish to select all users, click the box at the top.
  6. When you’re finished, click ‘Save’.
  7. Next, navigate to the Routing Policies tab.
  8. Select the routing policy where you want calls recorded.
  9. Find where you want to place the record app and break the connectors by double clicking the gray line.

    Note: We recommend adding the routing policy after the Rule app where you query if the call is out of hours. If you only want to record certain parts of your business, place the app in front of the relevant call queue or hunt group. You could place the app at the beginning of the routing policy and this would record everything. 

  10. Add an Action container with 2 Record a Call apps.
  11. In the first app, change the following: Recording Leg = This Leg and Name this item = Record This Leg.
  12. In the second app, change the following: Recording Leg = Other Leg and Name this item = Record Other Leg.
  13. Leave the rest of the settings as default. For more information, see the Record a Call app section.
  14. Reattach the connectors with the rest of the call policy and click save.
  15. You will need to repeat steps 8-14 for all routing policies where you want calls recorded.

Q9. What Natterbox features assist in outbound dialing scenarios?

Natterbox has many features that are useful to outbound dialing but these are most useful for increasing agent efficiencies and experience.

  • Voicemail drop
    This is a feature where you can pre record messages and have them available in the Freedom or CTI 2.0 interface. On an outbound dial, when the call hits a voicemail, agents can click a button to drop a pre-recorded voicemail. The call hangs up immediately, voicemail drop is activated, allowing a recording to be left automatically. These messages can be per individual agent or shared throughout the org. It allows an agent to hang up and continue with the next call or task hence increasing agent efficiency. Multiple voicemail drop recordings can be configured and named allowing selective use for each call. Here is a guide on how to set up voicemail drop.
  • Dial lists
    This feature allows dial items to be pushed to an agent’s CTI to increase agent efficiency by reducing time and clicks. For more information on Dial Lists, see chapter 20.

  • Web2Lead
    This feature enables you to instantly connect your sales reps to prospects as soon as they show interest on your website. When a potential customer has created a web lead, the Natterbox function will automatically call them. This means that customer engagement is higher and they are more willing to talk to the agent. Also resulting in higher conversion rates. Here is how to set this up:

    First, you need to generate the web to lead form.
    • Go to Setup > Web-to-Lead > Create Web-to-Lead Form
    • Make sure phone fields are included in the Selected Fields e.g. mobile, phone…
    • Add in a Return URL, this is the address that the lead will be taken to after they fill out the form. This can be google.com for test purposes.
    • Uncheck recaptcha for test purposes
    • Generate
    • Copy code, paste into text file and save as HTML file

Next, we need to create the process builder:

  • Object needs to be lead
  • Start the process: only when a record is create
  • Criteria: Lead Source = Web
  • Immediate action: Apex Class = Natterbox Phone Call
    • Originator Object Id > Field Reference > Lead Id
    • Called> Field Reference > Lead.MobilePhone
    • Caller > String > WebToCall

Finally, we need to make the call policy

  • New policy builder (type = call)
  • From Invokable Decision
  • Destination Name = the process builder’s name EXACTLY
  • Connect to call queue
  • Optional: you could add whisper text, lead pop, other features in between. For more info on these components, see the Policy Builder Apps chapter.

  • Local Presence Dialing

    Using Natterbox you can choose the best number to display when calling international prospects to increase call pickup rates (local laws and restrictions apply). Port in existing numbers or purchase new numbers from over 100 countries and manage them all in Salesforce.

Q10. How can I forward a number assigned to an employee that has left to an existing employee?

A Natterbox User can have multiple DDIs. You can assign the number to the correct employee from the Phone Numbers tab and the user will recieve calls from both/all the DDIs assigned. The only consideration is that the user can also call from this number. Make sure they set the correct number to display from the Settings tab of their CTI. 

Q11. Can Natterbox help if my organization's caller number is being flagged as spam?

Spam identification is managed by the receiving party's phone carrier or an app installed on the phone of the receiving party. As these solutions are managed by independent companies,  Natterbox has no control over them. The options you have as a Natterbox customers are:

  • If the issue is related to the US telephone numbers, you can fill in and submit these forms:
  • There are no charges associated with filling this form, you just needs to fill the form as accurate as possible and this should increase the reputation of your US phone number.
  • The owner of the recipient number (the far end) can report it to their carrier or the database owner/app developer as an error. If you are able to replicate it on your own phones, you can do this yourself.
  • You can purchase new numbers to use as the CLI (caller number) for outbound calls. 
    • Note: It would require a new routing policy if they want customers to call back on that number
    • You will need to reach out to your Natterbox customer success manager to place the order for a new number and request a cancellation of the old numbers. Note: number cancellation will require you to provide the Natterbox provisioning team with subscriber access.
  • Android has a version of this built into the OS which makes it easy to report these errors - https://support.google.com/phoneapp/answer/3459196?hl=en-GB 

Q12. What extensions can be used in routing policies or for groups?

The range of extensions that are available to use with Natterbox are 2000-7999. When adding a new user Natterbox automatically assigns the lowest available extension number starting from 2000 (these can be edited/changed). Groups get their extensions assigned manually during the creation process so we recommend using the 4000s range for groups, as an example, to keep everything organised.

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