7.1.1. Desktop Messaging Inbox User Guide
  • 13 Mar 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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7.1.1. Desktop Messaging Inbox User Guide

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Article Summary

The Message Inbox is the central point of all your digital communications on Natterbox. On this page you can view all of your conversations and messages, send/receive messages, start new conversations, and also configure your conversations.

Starting a Conversation

To start a new conversation from the Messaging Inbox simply press the Start new Conversation button at the top of the page.

Next a screen will open where you can begin searching for the record that you would like to start a conversation with. The record is important as this is what phone numbers will be selectable for the next part.

Once you have searched and selected your record you can select which number you wish to use in the conversation. Under the My Number section you'll be presented with a list of all your SMS capable phone numbers, select the one you wish to use for this conversation. This will be the phone number the receiver is presented with when they receive your message.

Next, select the contact phone number, this list is populated from the phone values on the selected record.

Next, press Start new Conversation to create the conversation.
Lastly, you will be presented with a blank conversation ready to start a message. Your conversation will also be seen in the conversation list on the left.


Sending a text message

To send a message, click the textbox area and type out your desired message. Additional functionality is available in the form of Emoji or Media such as Images. You can send your message by pressing Enter or by selecting the Send button on the right of the input area.

You can add an Emoji by pressing the Emoji icon to open the Emoji selector window, select any Emoji and it will be added to your textbox. You can also close this window by clicking the Emoji icon again.

Emoji Button


Emoji selector window


Sending Media

You can send media by selecting the Media button to open the file selection window for your browser/OS. Select the media file you wish to send. currently only Images, Videos, and Audio files are supported. Note, different types of media have different restrictions regarding file types and file sizes.

You can select your media by either clicking and dragging into the conversation or by clicking the Media button.

Media Button

Once you have selected your media, you will see a short preview and the option to add a caption to your image. You can click on the text box and start typing your caption. Simply select the Send button or press Enter when your message is complete to send your media and caption.

Viewing Messages

You can view your messages and the conversation history within the page view. Your messages will display on the right in green, and the messages from the person you are communicating with will display on the left in grey.

Conversation List

The Conversation list section of the Message Inbox is the central hub for you to manage your conversations in a compact and efficient manner. The list shows key information points such as the date of the last message received, any unread messages, the amount, and the Name/Number of the person the conversation is with.

You can select any conversation from this list to open the conversation.

Unread Badges

Any unread messages you have in your conversation will be marked with a green badge and a number to represent how many messages are unread. This will dynamically update as you receive messages.

Last message

The last message in the conversation will be displayed as a preview within the conversation section. This message does not change if there’s unread messages, it will always show the last message sent or received. Media will be displayed as Media File in the preview if no caption is provided.


The name of the primary record will display in the conversation list, if no primary record is set then the phone number will display instead.

Digital Wrap-Up

Starting a Wrap-Up

To start a Wrap-Up you must have a conversation with at least 1 message that does not belong to another Wrap-Up. You can start a Wrap-Up by pressing the Start Wrap-Up button at the top of the page.

You will then be presented with your conversation and the option to select a sequential segment of messages. For a message to be selectable it must meet the following criteria:

  1. Does not belong to another Wrap-Up

  2. It is in a sequential order with all other messages (This means you cannot pick and choose messages outside of the continuous selection)

Selecting your first message is the minimum you will need to start a draft Wrap-Up.

Once you have made your selection you can press the Save Selection button at the top to proceed to the next screen.

Here you have the Wrap-Up Details screen where you can input your Subject and Notes for the selected segment. On this screen you can also edit your message selection by pressing the Edit link.

Once you are happy with your Wrap-Up Details—you can edit your Wrap-Up Details in the future if needed—you can Save the Wrap-Up as Completed or as a Draft. Completed is intended for part of a conversation which has now concluded, and Draft is for an ongoing conversation.

To save as a Draft you only need to provide a First Message selection, where as saving Completed you can either provide an End Message or the End Message will be auto populated when you save as Completed. The End Message auto population is based off the following criteria:

  • Until the message stream hits another Wrap-Up, populate the last available message before this

  • Until the message stream hits the end of the conversation, populate the last message available in the conversation

  • The last message available is not the same as the first message

Wrap-Up List

To access your saved Wrap-Ups on a conversation you must first navigate to the Record which has the conversation for the Wrap-Ups, then press the Wrap-Up List button.

You will then be presented with your Wrap-Up List which shows all of the Wrap-Ups related to the conversation you have open. You can see your Draft and Completed Wrap-Ups as well as having the ability to search, view, edit, and delete (delete is only available on Draft).

You have the option to View, Delete, and Edit Wrap-Ups from the Wrap-Up List.

Viewing Wrap-Ups

To view a Wrap-Up you can press the following icon:

When pressing the View button this will open up the Wrap-Up Details screen the same as before where you can view the Wrap-Ups contents.

Editing Wrap-Ups

To Edit a Wrap-Up you can press the following icon:

When pressing the Edit button this will open up the Wrap-Up Details screen but this time in edit mode so you can edit the consents of the Wrap-Up.

Deleting Draft Wrap-Ups

To Delete a Draft Wrap-Up you can press the following icon:

When pressing the Delete button you will be prompted with the following messag, “Are you sure, upon confirmation this will permanently remove the Draft Wrap-up?”

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