17.2.2. Call Queue App
  • 22 Oct 2023
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17.2.2. Call Queue App

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Article summary


Used for: Calling a group of users, 1 agent at a time based on a certain criteria
Container: Action
Call Policy: ✔
Data Analytics Policy: ✖


Use case

Be able to route calls to agents depending on who has been idle the longest.

How to do it

  1. Add an action container with a call queue app.
  2. In the ‘Properties’ tab, add a call group by clicking the + button.
    1. Set the call group = *Natterbox group that will answer the calls*
    2. Distribution Rule = leave as default ‘Longest Idle’
    3. Leave the following as default: Wrap Up Time, Wrap Up Failed Time and Ring Time
  3. Do steps 2a-2c for each call group.
  4. Optional, you can connect the call to a post call survey or speak app to say a thank you message.

Configuration Details

The Call Queue app provides a call queuing capability for the likes of call center applications, whereby inbound callers are placed into a holding queue, whilst they wait for agents to whom the calls should be connected to become available. The Call Queue app has been designed to incorporate intelligence into the management of call queues, where calls need to be directed to available agents on a prioritised basis using various selection criteria that are most appropriate for the environment.

  • Call Queuing is based around the use of Groups, where each group contains a set of agents who are able to take calls. One or more groups must be added (unless configuring for omni-channel), where the agent members of each group are treated equally for dialling.
  • Announcements can be configured to be played whilst a caller is waiting in the queue, and these can be rule based if required.
  • Call Screening can be enabled here. It enables the Agent that answers a call to hear a whisper announcement when they pick up the call, with an option to accept or reject the call. The whisper is fully configurable and allows macros to be inserted to customise the announcement per call. Call Screening can be enabled on a per call group basis when used on the Call Queues.
  • Callback can also be configured here, although it can only be enabled if there are one or more groups configured with Skills Based Routing checked.


The Call Queue app is found in the Action container:



The options for this app consist of Name this item and Configure this Item, in which there are 5 tabs available - Groups, Properties, Announcements, Screen and Callback:


Configure This Item

Groups Tab

In order to make the call queue functional, a group must first be added.

  • Click the plus box to open a call group dialogue box:


    This group has had the Skill routing is enabled check box checked, which both opens the skills based options below the check box, and enables the Callback functionality to be used once the group has been saved.
To Configure a Group
Call Group

Select from available Call Groups. These are configured in the Groups tab. This specifies which group will receive the calls held in this call queue.

Distribution Rule

Each group needs a Distribution Rule assigned to it. This defines how calls are allocated to each member of the group, by comparing each member’s call handling statistics:

  • Longest Idle - selects the agent that has been off the phone (for this call distribution group) for the longest period or the agent that was dialled (but did not answer), the longest time ago.
  • Sequential - rings each agent in a sequential manner regardless of whether or not they have answered calls.
  • Least Talk - selects the agent that has spent the least number of minutes on the phone.
  • Least Calls - selects the agent that has answered the least number of call.
  • All Agents - calls all agents at the same time, so whoever picks up the phone first is the agent that received the call.
Wrap Up Time

When an agent is called, they either answer or do not answer. If the agent does answer, then when the agent hangs up the call, the Wrap Up Time is added to the hangup time of the call. Until this period has expired, the Call Queue app does not attempt to call that agent. The Wrap Up Time can be used to allow an agent time to write up a call record into Salesforce before another call is placed to them. Time specified in seconds.

Wrap Up Failed Time

If the agent does not answer when they are called, then the agent record is updated with a Wrap Up Failed Time that indicates when that agent record next becomes eligible for dialling. Time specified in seconds.

Ring Time

How long an agent is called for before moving on to the next agent if the call goes unanswered. Time specified in seconds.

Call Screening is Enabled

Enables Call Screening for this group, configured in the fourth tab.

Call Waiting is Enabled

Enables Call Waiting for this group.

Skill Routing is Enabled

Enables Skills Based Routing for this group, which opens the fields below for configuration. This works with the Request Skills app (if it has been configured in the policy) to select an agent to answer the call depending on their skill levels. Even if Skill Routing is not being used, however, this option must be checked to enable Callback.

Skill Engine

Enabled when the Skill Routing is Enabled check box is checked, this is a choice between Built in and Lua.

Order Algorithm

This is a choice between Sum and Maximum. This allows the app to choose between group members' total scores for all their assigned skills that are applicable to the call, and the highest score for any single skill.

Agents Require all Skills

This checkbox means that any agent to be targeted by the call queue must have all the relevant skills assigned to them within their user settings in the Natterbox Users tab.

To Edit, Delete or Order a Call Target

Once a Group has been added, it can be edited or deleted by clicking the appropriate icon next to that entry. The order can be changed by clicking the up and down arrows (at least two groups must be added to enable ordering) which are greyed out if not available. The order is clarified by the number allocated to that entry under the ↑↓ icon - it is important as this indicates the priority order in which calls are routed to the groups, as follows:

If any agents are available in the first group, then the app attempts to place the call to that agent. If there are no agents available, then the second group is checked for available agents, and so on down the list of groups set here.

Note: an agent may be regarded as busy, even though they are not on the phone, because they may be within their wrap up time period. If this is the case, then a lower priority group may start receiving calls even though it appears that agents in a higher priority group are not receiving calls.

Properties Tab

The Properties tab allows for further configuration pertaining to how the call is handled. After a group has been added, the general properties of the queue should be configured.


Built In Property

Value (*default)


Queue Algorithm

Dropdown list: Ordered by Priority, Time Queued*; Weighted Queuing Time

The choice here specifies how the calls that come into this call queue are ordered, and which should be connected first.

The default option, which orders by Priority and Time in the queue, takes into account first the priority set for the call, and next, which call has been queued longest, and orders the calls accordingly. The priority of a call can be set in a policy by configuring Call Queue Priority in the Manage Properties app, placing it before the Call Queue app in the policy.

Weighted Queueing Time is slightly more sophisticated - it takes into consideration both the priority of the call, and the length of time a call has been held in the queue in conjunction with each other. This makes sure that even lower priority calls don't end up being queued for too long, even if a call with a higher priority comes in. Call Queue Weight is also configured in the Manage Properties app.

Transfer after Connect

Blank text box

After a call has been answered by a call queue agent, the call has proceeded and the agent has hung up, this field can be configured to then have the call transferred to the end point held within. This is useful for taking automated surveys after the call is complete.

The macro selector icon is available in this field and can be clicked to insert a macro, either from the macro selector or from scratch.

Hold Music

Dropdown list: Auto*, Preset, Custom

The default, Auto, means that the hold music set in the Account Settings tab will be used. By selecting Preset, a dropdown list of the standard list of hold music then is displayed to be chosen from specifically for this queue (note that the hold music in the Account Settings tab is also selected from this list). Select Custom to open a field in which to add a URL of an externally held recording see Using Custom Hold Music for details.

How often (in seconds) to announce to the caller

Text field: 60*

Select the number of seconds an announcement loop should last. This amount of time will be from the beginning of the initial loop to the beginning of the subsequent loop.

Maximum calls this call queue should support

Text field: 100*

Maximum number of calls that this queue can hold. If the queue is full by this definition, any further calls will be passed down into the next app in the container.

Maximum time (in minutes) a caller can sit in a call queue

Text field: 30*

Maximum number of minutes a call will be held in this queue. After a call exceeds this limit, it will be passed down into the next app in the container.

How long (in seconds) until an answered call is considered 'solid'

Text field: 120*

Select how many seconds a call should last after being connected via this app for it to be considered a Solid call. This means that a call has to exceed the time set, which helps to identify wrong number calls, voicemails, spam calls and other calls which will not cause a productive conversation. This is used in conjunction with Wallboards to monitor calls and show a percentage about how many calls have been classed as solid.

Key to exit the queue. Any digit from 0 to 9, * or #, or null to disable

Dropdown list: null*

If the caller is to be able to exit the queue (which means the call routes from the app into the new container it is linked to), the button to trigger it should be configured here. Null (default) means that this is not possible, but it is a useful option, the key should be communicated to the caller via an announcement.

Override the Caller Id Name

Blank text field

The Caller ID Display Name for the call can be overridden when it is routed to a connected SIP phone, whereby the text in this field is displayed instead of the caller's number.

The macro selector icon is available in this field and can be clicked to insert a macro, either from the macro selector or from scratch.

Enable Auto Answer

Toggled off* /on

When this is toggled on, agents do not have to click to answer a call. Two more fields will appear when enabled so you can set “How long (in seconds) before the call is auto answered” (between and “Sound the agent hears to announce auto answer call”.

Allow Agent to reject incoming call

Toggled off / on*

This allows agents to reject an incoming call.

This is what the agent will see for a call queue with Auto Answer enabled:

Announcements Tab

Announcements can be configured to enhance the call queue and inform callers.

  • Click the Announcements tab and click the plus box to open an announcement dialogue box:


    Note: this image has been switched to Rule Based Announcements. If this is not done, there are only two options, Type (which can be set to sound or TTS) and then a field to specify what that sound or TTS is. These can be added and ordered in the same way, but have no further functionality.

Built In Property

Value (*default)


Play Sound

Dropdown list: Once*, Every Loop

The announcement can be played just once, as part of the initial loop, or can also form part of subsequent loops, whereby it is repeated in each loop, the length of which is detemined in the Properties tab.

Seconds to wait before playing sound


How many seconds to wait before the announcement is played, either from the moment the call queue is activated, or from the beginning of a new loop.


Dropdown list: Sound*, Text To Speech, Tone, MP3 via HTTP, Shoutcast

Select whether the announcement is to be in the format of a prerecorded sound (and if so, which type), or Text to Speech.

Sound/Text/Tone data/URL to MP3 file/URL to SHOUTcast file

Dropdown list:

This option is labelled according to the selection made in the Format field. For Text to Speech, this is the text that is announced. For all other formats, this specifies what is to be played. Custom Sounds are listed and created in the Account Settings tab.

To Edit, Delete or Order an Announcement

Once an announcement rule has been added, it can be edited or deleted by clicking the appropriate icon next to that entry. The order can be changed for admin clarity purposes by clicking the up and down arrows (at least two announcements must be added to enable ordering) which are greyed out if not available. The order is clarified by the number allocated to that entry under the ↑↓ icon. However, the order does not have any bearing on the order in which these targets are rung - this is purely down to the Seconds to wait before playing sound setting. It is worth noting, however, that announcements will not play over each other, so if two announcements are set with the same time wait, the first one in the list will play first.

Screen Tab

The Screen tab allows for the caller to be played a message that may or may not need an acknowledgement before connecting the call. By default, the Enable Call Screening check box is unchecked. When it is checked, the following options become available:


Built In Property

Value (*default)



Blank text box

Enter the message to be played to the caller.

The sound selector icon is available in this field and can be clicked to insert a prerecorded sound. When a sound is added, it is displayed as a tag in the text field, for example, {WelcomeCaller}. If the sound tag is not recognised as valid, then it is shown in red, while a known sound tag is displayed in blue. Sound files can be mixed into TTS, for example {WelcomeCaller}. Click 1 to proceed.

The macro selector icon is available in this field and can be clicked to insert a macro, either from the macro selector or from scratch.

Accept Key

Dropdown list: No acknowledgement required

Select a key for the caller to press to acknowledge that they have heard and accept the contents of the announcement. By default, no key needs to be pressed.

Maximum response time (seconds)

Text box: 10*

Select the maximum number of seconds offered to the caller to press the appropriate Accept Key.

Announcement repeat

Text box: 5*

Select the number of times the announcement should be played while waiting for the caller to press the appropriate Accept Key. If an accept key is configured, but remains unpressed after the specified number of announcements, the call will progress to the next app in the container, or to the container itself.

Callback Tab

The Callback tab allows for the caller to activate a callback whilst they are in the queue - by keying in the activation key, they can then hang up, but keep their place in the queue and be called back by the queue when they reach the point of being connected to an agent.

This tab can only be configured once a group has been added within the Groups tab with the Skill routing is enabled check box checked (even if skills are not being utilised) - until then it has a No Entry sign on it.

By default, the Enable Callback slider box is unchecked. When it is checked, the following options become available:

This tab has had the Access Control List set to Any, and CLI Presentation  = default.

Built In Property

Value (*default)


Activation Key

Dropdown list: 0-9, #*, *

The key that the caller must press to activate the callback feature. Default is #.

Activation Position

Text box: 10*

The position in the queue that the caller must be (at least) to activate this feature. For example, if a caller was at number 3 in the queue, and this was left at the default, 10, this option would not be available.

Activation Queueing Time (Secs)

Text box: 300*

The length of time the caller must have been in the queue (in seconds) before this option is offered to them.

Caller can leave message

Slider box: checked*

If checked, this allows the caller to leave a message that the group member (end point) will hear before the callback initiates.

Access Control List

Dropdown list: Any*, Allow, Block

This field gives the option to specifiy if there are any specific sets of numbers that callback should be limited to, or blocked from utilising. Options are Any (any number can use callback), Allow (only the numbers specified in ACL Regex are allowed to use callback) or Block (the numbers specified in ACL Regex are blocked from using callback).

Number of callback attempts

Dropdown list: 1-5, 3*

When you select more than 1 callback attempt, the options to configure the wait time between each attempt are revealed. This can be set in seconds, minutes or hours. 

CLI Presentation

Dropdown list: Withhold, Specified*, Default

When the callback is made, the number that the caller sees can be set to Withheld, Specified (this is the default, and the number to be specified is set in the following field) or Default - the External Caller Id Number that is configured in the Account Settings tab.


Blank text box

This box is only available if the above dropdown list is set to Specified. It is the number that is displayed to the caller when the callback is being made.This is a mandatory field when it exists.

+ Add Custom CLI

CLI Presentation checkbox: Withhold, Specified*;

Countries dropdown list: full list of available countries (blank by default);

CLI blank text field

This additional option allows for a different CLI to be set for a different country. For example, if the organisation's home country is the US (and the above option covers callers from there), but caller is calling from Canada, the caller can be either have a withheld number or a specified number configured here. As many Custom CLIs can be added as necessary.


This app is designed to connect the incoming call to an appropriate end point (group member). If it succeeds, the call exits the policy. However, if it does not succeed, after a call has passed through this app, it either

  • links to a new container linked from this app - if the caller presses the key to exit the queue (configured in the Properties tab). The counts as triggering the app.
  • passes on the the next app within the container or the container itself - if the call times out. This counts as the app not being triggered.

Please note: if the app is triggered but there is no link to a follow up container, the call is hung up as a default.

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