2.1. Freedom CTI Menu
  • 28 Jul 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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2.1. Freedom CTI Menu

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Article Summary

Here is how to navigate the menu in the Freedom CTI.


Takes you back to the Home screen. This can also be achieved by clicking from other screens.

For more information on the other of the tabs, please see the rest of the chapter.

In Call screens

Active Call

Once a call has been initiated, the following Active Call screen will appear

  1. Call quality indicators show (from left to right) signal strength, speaker output level, and microphone output level.
  2. Caller name (if known), phone number and call duration. For internal contacts, if they have a photo / avatar associated with them this will be displayed to the left of their name.
  3. Clicking this links the details of the call to the record (eg Account or Contact) that’s currently open in Salesforce
  4. You can write notes in this box during the call and they will be pulled through to the Wrap Up Details screen if you need to continue them later.
  5. Puts your call On Hold
  6. Takes you through to the Call Transfer screen
  7. Allows you to pause and resume call recording (this icon only appears when the feature is set up in the routing policy and Call Center configuration by your Salesforce Administrator).
  8. Mutes your call
  9. Opens your keypad to enable you to enter DTMF tones, for example when selecting from options in an IVR menu (webphone only)
  10. Clicking + allows you to make a new call (new calls will open up another tab, this will appear as Call 2 etc).
  11. Clicking on the ⓘ will bring up any whisper text which was displayed when your CTI was ringing

Note the Active Call icon that appears when you’re on call though not on the Active Call screen. Clicking this icon returns you to the Active Call screen.

Wrap Up Details

Once the call is ended, you’re presented with the following screen:

Notes that you took on the call are carried through to here and can be amended.

Choose the Wrapup Code that most accurately describes a summary of the call (these codes are set by your Salesforce Administrator) and click Done to continue.

If you wish to wrap up the call at a later stage, click Save For Later and these details will be saved in the Wrap Ups section of the Menu with a number to the right to indicate how many wrap ups are outstanding, like this:

You also have the opportunity to set a Callback reminder: by clicking on the down arrow you can select when this reminder should appear as well as a Reason for the callback that will appear at the same time.


Upon clicking you will be taken to the following screen:

Using the Search bar, select to whom you wish to transfer this call

Next choose whether this is to be an Attended Transfer where you first speak to the Agent to whom you’re transferring the call or a Blind Transfer where you transfer the call without speaking first with the Agent.

If you have mistakenly come through to this screen, you can Cancel & Resume your call.

When performing a Blind Transfer, the person you’re speaking to will automatically be put through to the other Agent and your call will automatically hang up, allowing you to wrap it up.

During an Attended Transfer the Agent will see a screen like this while they’re waiting for the other Agent to pick up.

When the Agent to whom the call is being transferred picks up, the call will automatically be placed into Consult mode, meaning you can speak with them while the Customer is on hold.

If you wish to speak with both the Agent to whom the call is being transferred and the Customer, select Conference and this will take the customer off hold so all three parties can speak at the same time:

Assuming you wish to pass off the transfer to the other Agent, click Complete and you will exit the call leaving the other Agent and Customer to speak.

If you wish to exit the transfer process, click  and you will resume the call with the Customer.

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