17.2.12. Hunt Group App
  • 03 Jun 2024
  • 7 Minutes to read
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17.2.12. Hunt Group App

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Article summary


Used for: Calls groups of agents simultaneously
Container: Action
Call Policy: ✔
Data Analytics Policy: ✖

Configuration Details

The Hunt Group app is similar to the Connect a Call app in that it enables all calls that pass through the container to be connected to a number, user or group (with the availability of advanced functionality), and have a message played to them first (screened) and/or be put on hold while trying to reach the end point (camped). However, instead of simply specifying one call target, Hunt Group allows for complex dialling rules to be created, mixing both sequential and parallel schemes together, specifying when and for how long each possible end point should be targetted. For example, the First Line Support Team might be the first Call Target, then after 20 seconds, if there is no answer, the Sales Team and Marketing Team could be then targetted in parallel, whilst continuing to ring the Support Team.

Policy Type


Data Analytics


Not Available


The Hunt Group app is found in the Action container:



The options for this app consist of Name this item and Configure this Item:


Configure This Item

By default, all three Trigger When options are checked: Call is connected, Call is not connected and Camp Exit. Which of these remain checked defines at what point the app is triggered, i.e. the configuration below is enacted and the call exits the app through the link on the app, rather than gets passed down the container within which it resides. However, once the call is connected, the policy ceases to process it.

Below this are four tabs - Connect (shown above), Advanced, Screen and Camp.

Connect Tab

The Connect tab, shown above, needs to have at least one Call Target added. As many targets as are desired can be added as follows:

  • Click the + box
  • Configure as shown below
  • Click Add (this is greyed out until any mandatory fields are completed)

This adds it to the list of Call Target entries.

To Configure a Call Target


Built In Property

Value (*default)



Dropdown list: Number*/User/Group

Select whether this call target is to be a number, user or group.

Number/Call User/Call Group

This field changes dependant on what is selected from the Type list

Number: Blank text box

Call User: dropdown list of existing users

Call Group: dropdown list of existing groups

  • Number - when this option is selected above, a text field labelled Number is available, in which to enter a number to connect the call to. The macro selector icon is available in this field and can be clicked to insert a macro, either from the macro selector or from scratch.
  • User - when this option is selected above, a dropdown list labelled Call User is available, from which an existing user can be selected to connect the call to.
  • Group - when this option is selected above, a dropdown list labelled Call Group is available, from which an existing group can be selected to connect the call to.

Start Dialling


The number of seconds after which this target should be dialled. For example, if it is 0 (the default), it will be dialled straightaway. If it is 30, the app will wait for 30 seconds and then dial. It does not matter the order of the targets in the list or whether other targets are ringing.

Maximum Ring Period


The number of seconds this target should be dialled before stopping, assuming the call is not answered.

Call screening is disabled


When Call Screening is not enabled in the Screen tab, this check box is greyed out. If Call Screening is enabled, the label for this check box changes to Enable Call Screening and the check box is no longer greyed out - checking this box applies the configured call screening for this specific call target.

To Edit, Delete or Order a Call Target

Once a Call Target has been added, it can be edited or deleted by clicking the appropriate icon next to that entry. The order can be changed for admin clarity purposes by clicking the up and down arrows (at least two call targets must be added to enable ordering) which are greyed out if not available. The order is clarified by the number allocated to that entry under the ↑↓ icon. However, the order does not have any bearing on the order in which these targets are rung - this is purely down to the Start Dialling setting.


Once any of the call targets answers the call, all targets stop ringing and no further targets are rung.

Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab allows for further configuration pertaining to how the call is handled.


Built In Property

Value (*default)


Hangup After Connect


Transfer After Connect

Blank text box

The macro selector icon is available in this field and can be clicked to insert a macro, either from the macro selector or from scratch.

Continue On Fail


Present Caller Identity Name (internal)

Blank text box

When a call is internal, the contents of this field (if it is populated) will be displayed as the caller ID.

The macro selector icon is available in this field and can be clicked to insert a macro, either from the macro selector or from scratch.

Send DTMF when call connects


Screen Tab

The Screen tab allows for the caller to be played a message that may or may not need an acknowledgement before connecting the call. By default, the Enable Call Screening check box is unchecked. When it is checked, the following options become available:


Built In Property

Value (*default)



Blank text box

Enter the message to be played to the caller.

The sound selector icon is available in this field and can be clicked to insert a prerecorded sound. When a sound is added, it is displayed as a tag in the text field, for example, {WelcomeCaller}. If the sound tag is not recognised as valid, then it is shown in red, while a known sound tag is displayed in blue. Sound files can be mixed into TTS, for example {WelcomeCaller}. Click 1 to proceed.

The macro selector icon is available in this field and can be clicked to insert a macro, either from the macro selector or from scratch.

Accept Key

Dropdown list: No acknowledgement required

Select a key for the caller to press to acknowledge that they have heard and accept the contents of the announcement. By default, no key needs to be pressed.

Maximum response time (seconds)

Text box: 10*

Select the maximum number of seconds offered to the caller to press the appropriate Accept Key.

Announcement repeat

Text box: 5*

Select the number of times the announcement should be played while waiting for the caller to press the appropriate Accept Key. If an accept key is configured, but remains unpressed after the specified number of announcements, the call will progress to the next app in the container, or to the container itself.

Please be aware that enabling call screening means you must have call camping disabled

Camp Tab

The Camp tab allows for the call to be put on hold while the app tries to connect it to the end point configured in the Connect tab. By default, the Enable Camping check box is unchecked. When it is checked, the following options become available:


Built In Property

Value (*default)


Caller Initial Feedback

Dropdown list: Ring Tone*/Music

Select from the dropdown box whether the caller initially hears a ring tone (default) or music, until the announcement starts.

Caller Waiting Feedback

Dropdown list: Ring Tone/Music*

Select from the dropdown box whether, after the announcement, the caller hears a ring tone or music (default), while they are waiting.

Music on Hold

Dropdown list: Default*

Select the music that will be played to the caller. Default is the Hold Music set within Account Settings.

Announcement whilst Camping

Text box: I am sorry to keep you waiting*

Enter the message to be played to the caller. It is useful as a part of this message to inform which key will exit the call from camp.

The macro selector icon is available in this field and can be clicked to insert a macro, either from the macro selector or from scratch.

Announcement delay (seconds)

Text box: 10*

Specify after how long (in seconds) the announcement is to be played to the caller. This is only played once.

Camp Exit Key

Dropdown list: 1*

This is the a number that the caller can press to leave the camp and move to a further option within the policy. If the caller chooses this option, then the call exits through the link from this app.

Connect Attempts

Text box: 3*

This is the number of attempts that the camp will try to ring the specified end points. If there is no answer after the required attempts, the call will progress to the next app in the container, or to the container itself.

Connect Attempt Pause (seconds)

Text box: 10*

This is the time (in seconds) between each connect attempt.

Please be aware that enabling call camping means you must have call screening disabled


This app is designed to connect the incoming call to an approriate end point (number, user or group). If it succeeds, the call exits the policy. However, if it does not succeed, after a call has passed through this app, it either links to a new container linked from this app or passes on the the next app within the container or the container itself, but this is entirely dependent on which options have been configured within the app and how the call/caller reacted to them.

If the app is triggered but there is no link to a follow up container, the call is hung up as a default.

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