Missed Call Triggers Email Notification
  • 01 May 2024
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Missed Call Triggers Email Notification

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Article Summary

These guides are intended for advanced Salesforce admins. For Salesforce education, contact Salesforce directly or use trailheads for specific knowledge.

This guide is for setting up an email notification from a missed call. It uses a Salesforce flow, this can update data in Salesforce so please use sensibly. We don't recommend using this guide if you aren't comfortable with Salesforce flows. The flow can be changed to trigger off different criteria but this guide looks at calls where the caller hangs up in the call queue. Likewise, you can have different actions instead of an email, for example a follow up task. 

Calls create a call reporting record, if you want to know more about fields on the call reporting object, see this guide. We can create a flow based on these records, here is how to do it:

  1. Create a new Salesforce flow.

  2. This should be a: 'Record-Triggered Flow'

  3. Then, you need to configure the 'Start'. The object needs to be 'Call Reporting', the rest can be set up per your desired criteria or similar to the image below.

  4. Now, add an 'Action'

  5. Choose a 'Send Email' action. You can then fill in the email as you like. We do recommend you add a line similar to the below, so it's easy to identify what the email is about.

    Missed Call From {!$Record.nbavs__From_Last_Queue__r.Name}

    The image includes an example of how to set up the email:

  6. Once the email, is configured, you should have something like this:

  7. Make sure to Save & Activate for your changes to be live. 

  8. If you do a test, you might receive an email like the image below. Feel free to tweak the email fields to get the desired email.

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