12.5. Phone Number Object
  • 30 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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12.5. Phone Number Object

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Article Summary

Why would you need to report with the Phone Numbers object?

The Phone Numbers tab provides a comprehensive view of all Natterbox numbers, including those designated as DDI (Natterbox User column) and those in inbound routing policies (Call Flow column). Users can edit records, adjusting name, purpose, and assigned DDI user. While the search box facilitates easy number retrieval, advanced filtering and export options are limited. However, sorting is available through the arrows at the top.

For more information on the on the Phone Numbers tab, see this guide

How can the Phone Numbers object be enabled for reporting?

To be able to do more advanced reporting, you will need to enable the Phone Numbers object for reporting. 

Please note: this will need access to Salesforce admin permissions. 

Here are the steps to enable the Phone Numbers object for reporting:

  1. Go to Salesforce Setup

  2.  Then click 'Object Manager'

  3. Type 'Phone Number' in the search bar

  4. Click on the object (API Name = nbavs__PhoneNumber__c)

  5. You should open up on the 'Details' Page, if not, clikc 'Details' on the left hand side.

  6.  Now, click 'Edit'.

  7. Scroll down to the 'Optional Features' section

  8. Check the box for 'Allow Reports'

  9. Click 'Save'. Now the report type will be available in reports.

For some common reports you might build, see the next guide!

Fields, Values & Definitions


Field Definition

Field Values


The region corresponding to the area code in the number

Example: 203

Area Code

The region code section of the number

Example: London

Call Flow

If the number is assigned as an ‘Inbound Number’ in a Routing Policy , this is the name of the policy. When this field has a value, it cannot be assigned as a DDI Number.

Lookup (Routing Policy)


The country the number belongs to

Example: United Kingdom

Country Code

The short identification code related to the country the number belongs to

Example: 44

Created By

A default Salesforce field used to track who created the record, mostly irrelevant for reporting purposes

Lookup (User)

DDI Number

A checkbox that displays TRUE when the Natterbox User field is populated and FALSE when it’s blank.

True, False


The number is assigned as a Geographic number

True, False

Last Modified By

A default Salesforce field used to track who last edited the record, mostly irrelevant for reporting purposes

Lookup (User)

Local Number

The number without the Country Code and Area Code

Example: 5100500

Local Presence Enabled

If the number is enabled for Local Presence (editable)

True, False

MMS Capable

Phone number is capable of sending MMS

True, False


The name of the number, this can be edited to allow easy identification. If the 'Show Number Label in My Caller ID' feature is enabled, this is the value that will be displayed for users in the CTI

Example: Support Inbound Number

Natterbox User

As default this is blank but a Natterbox User can be added in here to assign this number as a DDI Number. When this field has a value, it cannot be used in any routing policies and vice versa.

Example: John Smith


The phone number (without a ‘+’)

Example: 442035100500


A default Salesforce field populated with who owns the record, mostly irrelevant for this object

Lookup (User)

SMS Capable

Phone number is capable of sending SMS

True, false

Sync UserId

Used to update the backend when the Natterbox User field is changed

Example: 1437991


The External Id of the user in the Natterbox User field

Example: 308609

Voice Capable

Not used currently


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