14.4.1. Queue Components
  • 30 Apr 2024
  • 15 Minutes to read
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14.4.1. Queue Components

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Article summary

Queue components are focused on reporting on the agents, live calls and statistics around your configured call queues.

Queues: Agent List

The Agent List component displays the status of all agents in a queue

Video tutorial

How to configure Agent List:

Table View

Enabling table view gives access to more fields and allows you control which fields you want to display:




Component Name

Agent List

The display name of the component

Call Queue

(Call Queue set by user)

The call queue from which the agents are returned


Card View

  • Card View - View all the agents within the queue as their own individual cards

  • Table View - View all the agents as a list of table elements (You control whether you want to divide the table into one or two columns)

Select Columns to view

Disabled (requires Table View to be enabled first)

Controls which fields to display when the component has been set to Table mode

Select Columns - Agent Name


First and Last name of the agent

Select Columns - Agent Extension Number


The PBX extension of the agent

Select Columns - Current Availability State


The name of the availability state currently assigned to the agent

Select Columns - Current Availability Profile


The name of the availability profile currently assigned to the agent

Select Columns - Time spent in current availability state


The amount of time the agent has been assigned to the current state

NOTE: Time in availability state is only available for users using Natterbox Availability, omni users will need to check omni supervisor for time in omni state

Select Columns - List of skills the agent possess


All the skills assigned to the user, note you will have to hover over this field to view the entire list. Also note that the list will only display the Agents who have the skills you have chosen to view

Sort By

Agent Name (Alphabetical)

  • Agent Name (Alphabetical) - Sort agents by their surnames in alphabetical order

  • Availability State (Alphabetical) - Sort agents by their current Availability state name in alphabetical order

  • Availability State (Custom) - Drag and drop Availability states to a create a custom order based on your needs

  • Presence State - Sort agents by most active to least active

  • Presence State (Custom) - Drag and drop Presence states to a create a custom order based on your needs

  • Time on current call - Sort agents by those who are on the phone for the longest amount of time first

  • Time spent in current availability state - Sorts agents by those who have been in a particular Availability state for the longest time

Skills Filtering - Filter algorithm


This field allows you to select which filter algorithm to use when filtering the component by skill

  • Relative - Agents with any of the selected skills will be displayed. (An agent is deemed to have a skill if their skill value is 1 or greater)

  • Absolute - Agents must have all of the selected skills in order to appear on the list. (An agent is deemed to have a skill if their skill value is 1 or greater)

Select skills to view

Select All (All skills are displayed by default)

Selecting the skills you would like to filter by, an additional checkbox of “Agents with no skill” is available for so you can still show agents who do not have any skills.

When using the Absolute filter algorithm you can either select skills, or agents with no skill - you will not be able to select both, as an agent cannot have both a skill and no skills.

Select availability states to view

Select All (All states are displayed by default)

Unchecking “Select All” allows the ability to filter out specific Availability states

Presence states to view

Select All (All states are displayed by default)

Unchecking “Select All” allows the ability to filter out specific Presence states

Display Options - Auto Height


Once enabled the height of the component will automatically adjust to fit all contents automatically, otherwise the component can be manually resized

Interactivity Options - Can change availability state


Allows the ability to change agent’s Availability state from the component
NOTE: This is only available for users using Natterbox Availability, it is not possible to change Omni status from the wallboard

Interactivity Options - Can Listen Live to agents


Allows the ability to perform a Listen Live call to an agent from the component

Interactivity Options - Can Call Agents


Allows the ability to dial agents from the component

Presence States

The presence state represents an agent’s presence in regards to a particular call, this differs to availability states as availability refers to whether the agent can be sent calls whereas their presence is whether they’re actually on an active call or not.

The states are as follows (ordered by least active to most active) :

  • Logged Off (grey) : Logged out of the call queue

  • Idle(green): Logged into the call queue and not actively handling any calls

  • In Wrap Up (teal): Logged into the call queue and in wrap up after recently handling a call queue call (the wrapup period is based upon the queue configuration)

  • Ringing (purple) : The user is being called and it could be either originating from the selected queue or otherwise

  • Outbound Call (brown) : Logged into the call queue and on an outbound call

  • Inbound Call (Other) (yellow) : Logged into the call queue and on an inbound call that did not originate from the selected call queue (it could have originated from a different queue the agent is logged into)

  • Inbound Call (Queue)(red): Logged into the call queue and on an inbound call routed via the selected call queue

Note we don’t currently have a dedicated state for internal calls, so they will be displayed as generic outbound calls

The agent list will update with new agents or groups that you've added to the call queue after a call has reached the call queue. If you have just applied the changes and you don't see them live on the wallboards, please initiate a call to the call queue and that will prompt the data to display.

No Devices Status

To help debug technical issues with agents, the Agent List will also flash up when a call has failed to reach an agent.

When a call comes into the queue that cannot be connected to an agent, the agent will have a “No Devices” flag on their tile for the next 60 seconds.

The most likely reason for this is at the time of the last call attempt the agent did not have a registered device to send the call to. The following constitute a registered device:

  • Freedom for Salesforce / Freedom Web with a logged in webphone

  • Freedom Mobile - logged in

  • At least one registered SIP device

  • At least one configured Associated Number (OTT) that is Active and has Call Queue enabled

In this instance someone should check if agents affected by this have any device-related issues.

If the agent is using the Natterbox Webphone, confirm that they have launched it and the webphone message reads “Connected to server, registered and ready for calls” (at the bottom of the screenshot below):

If this message is not seen, then the agent should relaunch their webphone.

Failing this you may need to raise a case with Natterbox Support for further diagnosis at support@natterbox.com.Failed To Answer Status

This alert is shown when a call was placed to an Agent, but they failed to answer.

The call is considered to be in WrapUp based on the configured WrapUp Fail time.

Mobile App Unreachable

This alert is shown when the Agent was detected to have Freedom Mobile app active - but no other devices registered -and the last call placed to Freedom Mobile didn't ring.

Enhanced Wrap-Ups

If you are using Enhanced Wrap-Ups, it also comes with a customizable alert for agents on your Wallboards. This alert is triggered when an agent has been in the Wrap-Up state for a specific duration of time.

To set this up, you can now find a new field called "Wrap-Up alert threshold" in the agent list component. Here, you can specify the duration in seconds before an alert is generated for agents who are still in Wrap-Up.

In the example above after 60 seconds of Wrap-Up, you will see the agent card flashing slowly, and a red border appears.

The threshold time does not need to align with the total time an agent can be in Wrap-Up, for example, you can have a Wrap-Up time of 60 seconds, with 2 further extensions of 60 seconds, but be alerted as soon as an agent has been in Wrap-Up for 30 seconds.

To use Enhanced Wrap-Ups, you need to have installed Natterbox version 1.288 or higher. For more information on how to configure Enhanced Wrap-Ups, see this guide.

Queues: Queue List

The Queue List displays all the details of calls that are waiting in a call queue.

Video tutorial

How to configure Queue List:




Component Name

Queue List

The display name of the component

Call Queue to Monitor

(Call Queue set by user)

This is the call queue for which the calls are to be displayed

Skills Filtering - Filter algorithm


This field allows you to select which filter algorithm to use when filtering the component by skill

  • Relative - Calls with any of the selected skills requested will be displayed. (A call is deemed to have a skill if the skill requested value is 1 or greater)

  • Absolute - Calls must have all of the selected skills requested in order to appear on the list. (A call is deemed to have a skill if the skill requested value is 1 or greater

Select skills to view

Select All (All skills are displayed by default)

Selecting the skills you would like to filter by, an additional checkbox of “Agents with no skill” is available for so you can still show agents who do not have any skills.

When using the Absolute filter algorithm you can either select skills, or agents with no skill - you will not be able to select both, as an agent cannot have both a skill and no skills.

Displayed Call Statuses - Connected


Displays all calls from the queue which have been connected (uncheck this option to filter these calls out)

Displayed Call Statuses - Waiting


Displays all calls from the queue which are waiting to be connected (uncheck this option to filter these calls out)

Time in Queue SLA Time

30 seconds

Defines the SLA threshold that a call can acceptably wait in a queue. The waiting time will be flagged in red if a call exceeds this limit.

Time at Head of Queue SLA Time

30 seconds

Defines the SLA threshold that a call can acceptably wait at the top of the queue before being answered next. The waiting time will be flagged in red if a call exceeds this limit.

Show Columns - Caller Number


The number of the caller into the call queue

Show Columns - Caller Name


The name of the caller calling into the call queue (if available)

Show Columns - Priority


The priority in which the call entered the call queue - This is defined and can be further modified within the routing policy

Show Columns - Position in Queue


Where the call sits within the queue, which displays either a number of the position or “Connected” if the caller has been put through to an agent

Show Columns - Time waiting queue


How long the caller has been waiting in the queue - This field will be highlighted in red if it exceeds the SLA threshold

Show Columns - Dial Attempts


How many times the call has tried (and failed) to connect to an agent

Show Columns - Status


The current status of the call, which is either “Waiting” or “Connected”

Show Columns - Agent Connected To


The name of the agent the call has been connected to - this will appear blank if the call is still waiting to be connected

Show Columns - Skills requested


Determines whether skills have been requested for a call - will display “true” if they have otherwise will display as “false”

Show Columns - Skills shortage


Determines whether a call has been impacted with delays due to a skill shortage - will display “true” if it has otherwise will display as “false”

Show Columns - Time at Head of Queue


How long the caller has been waiting at the head of the queue - This field will be highlighted in red if it exceeds the head of queue SLA threshold

Show Columns - Callback requested


Determines whether the caller has requested a callback - will display “true” if they have otherwise will display as “false”

Show Columns - Callback attempts


How many times the callback service has tried (and failed) to connect to the caller

Show Columns - Flags


Displays an indicator if one or more of the following is true:

  • Callback requested

  • Skills requested

  • Skill shortage

Default Sort By

Position in Queue

  • Position in Queue - sort the calls by the call in the top position first

  • Caller Name - sort the calls by the caller names in alphabetical order

  • Priority - sort the calls by the highest priority call first

  • Time waiting Queue - sort the calls by the call waiting in the queue the longest first

  • Dial Attempts - sort the calls by the call with the most dial attempts first

  • Status - sort the calls by all Connected first followed by all calls Waiting

  • Agent Connected to - sort the calls by the name of the connected agents in alphabetical order

  • Skills Requested - sort the calls by ordering all skill requested calls first

  • Skills shortage - sort the calls by ordering all calls impacted by a skills shortage first

  • Time at head of Queue - sort the calls by the call waiting at the head of the queue the longest first

  • Skills Requested - sort the calls by ordering all callback requested calls first

  • Dial Attempts - sort the calls by the call with the most callback dial attempts first

Display options - Show Skills only on Hover


Shows which calls have had skills requested by hovering over the entry

Display Options - Show Skill Shortage only on Hover


Shows which calls have been impacted by delays from skills shortage by hovering over the entry

Interactivity Options - Listen Live to Call


Allows the ability to a Listen Live on a connected call

An example of a Callback call - Callback fields to display - Callback Requested, Callback Attempts and Flags (the phone icon denotes a Callback call)

Queues: Queue Tracking

The Queue Tracking component displays overview statistics for calls within a call queue, such as call abandonment rate.

How to configure Queue Tracking:




Component Name

Queue Tracking

The display name of the component

Call Queue to Monitor

The call queue on which to report

Time Zone

UTC + 00

The time zone on which to report


This Hour

The period of time in which the calls apply - the options are

  • This Hour - from the beginning of the hour

  • Today - from the beginning of the day

  • This Week - from beginning of the week

  • Rolling Hour - from exactly an hour ago

Show Columns - Total Calls


The total amount of all completed calls

Show Columns - New Calls Queued


The total amount of calls including live calls which have been connected though not yet completed

Show Columns - Answered Calls


Total number of calls into the call queue that have been answered by an agent

Show Columns - Caller Abandoned


Total number of calls into the call queue where the caller hung up their call before being connected or requested a callback

Show Columns - Timed Out


Total number of calls into the call queue where the caller exceeded wait time threshold and bypassed the call queue - This threshold is governed within the routing policy

Show Columns - Exited Queue


Total number of calls into the call queue where the caller hit the call queue exit key and bypassed the call queue - The call queue exit key is governed within the routing policy

Show Columns - Solid Calls


Total number of connected calls where the call talk time was over a set time - The solid call threshold is governed within the routing policy and the default is 120 seconds

Show Columns - Average Talk Time


The average amount of talk time across all connected calls

Show Columns - Average Wait


The average amount of time the caller spent waiting across all calls

Show Columns - Max Wait


The maximum amount a caller spent waiting in the call queue

Abandoned Call SLA


Highlights when the amount of abandoned calls breaks the SLA max percentage - this threshold is configured from within the component

Average Wait SLA


Highlights when the average time spent waiting in the queue breaks the SLA max average wait length - this threshold is configured from within the component

Queues: Queue Status

The Queue Status component displays overview statistics for all agents within a call queue, such such as how many agents are available.

Video tutorial

How to configure Queue Status:




Component Name

Queue Status

The display name of the component

Call Queue

The call queue on which to report

Skills Filtering - Filter algorithm


This field allows you to select which filter algorithm to use when filtering the component by skill

  • Relative - Calls with any of the selected skills requested will be displayed. (A call is deemed to have a skill if the skill requested value is 1 or greater)

  • Absolute - Calls must have all of the selected skills requested in order to appear on the list. (A call is deemed to have a skill if the skill requested value is 1 or greater

Select skills to view

Select All (All skills are displayed by default)

Selecting the skills you would like to filter by, an additional checkbox of “Agents with no skill” is available for so you can still show agents who do not have any skills.

When using the Absolute filter algorithm you can either select skills, or agents with no skill - you will not be able to select both, as an agent cannot have both a skill and no skills.

Skills Filtering - Filter algorithm


This field allows you to select which filter algorithm to use when filtering the component by skill

  • Relative - Calls with any of the selected skills requested will be displayed. (A call is deemed to have a skill if the skill requested value is 1 or greater)

  • Absolute - Calls must have all of the selected skills requested in order to appear on the list. (A call is deemed to have a skill if the skill requested value is 1 or greater

Select skills to view

Select All (All skills are displayed by default)

Selecting the skills you would like to filter by, an additional checkbox of “Agents with no skill” is available for so you can still show agents who do not have any skills.

When using the Absolute filter algorithm you can either select skills, or agents with no skill - you will not be able to select both, as an agent cannot have both a skill and no skills.

Queue Status Information


Available Agents

How many agents are currently available and ready to receive calls within the call queue

Busy Agents

How many agents are currently on a call

Wrapped Up Agents

How many agents are in the process of wrapping up a call - this is a configured amount of time after a call ends to enable a user to wrap up the call details without interruption, which is governed on the routing policy

Unavailable for Voice Calls

SCV/Omnichannel agents who are in a presence state of Unavailable for Voice Calls

Logged Off Agents

How many agents have logged out of that call queue

Total Agents

The total amount of agents assigned to the call queue (regardless of their status)

Totals Calls Queueing

The total amount of calls currently in the queue

Longest Time in Queue

The longest amount of time a caller is currently waiting in the queue

Most Dial Attempts

The highest number of dial attempts made by any caller currently in the queue

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