2.2. Freedom CTI PCI
  • 23 Mar 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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2.2. Freedom CTI PCI

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Article Summary

{{glossary.Freedom}} supports the ability to take secure PCI payments.

Our PCI solution ensures agents can take payments without exposure to customer’s card details. We integrate with PCI Pal so that all payments are securely processed via their platform. 

Agents will take payments using Agent Assist, which is PCI Pal’s transaction interface; the solution works by Freedom both launching Agent Assist and providing a means to create a secure PIN session.

Agents will be able to converse with customers as they take payments, and as agents walk customers through taking a payment they only ever see asterisks on the screen and all DTMF sent by the customer completely masked, this sensitive data also never reaches the Natterbox platform.

Note our PCI solution is also compatible with {{glossary.Freedom}} for Web which is accessible by going tohttps://freedom.natterbox.com/

Accessing PCI

Agents will be able to launch Agent Assist from Freedom, then create a secure connection, at that point they can complete a payment with a customer.

The payment workflow is unique to your business and is managed and configured with PCI Pal upon setup.

As long as the agent has a PCI and Freedom license, they will be able to initiate a payment from an outbound call, then in the case of inbound calls the numbers will also need to be PCI compliant, Natterbox will configure those for you as part of the setup process.

Then once those agents have been provided with credentials to access Agent Assist they will be able to log in and take payments (access will be provided via email once their user has been provisioned on PCI Pal’s platform).

Making a payment

Once you’re on an inbound or outbound call as a PCI licensed agent you will be given the option to take a payment from Freedom.

An option labelled “TAKE PAYMENT” will be rendered, click on this option to begin taking a payment :

After clicking the payment option, a keypad requiring a PIN will open : 

Then within another tab or window open the Agent Assist and login in with your credentials (if there’s ever an option asking for a tenant, submit “Natterbox” to continue) : 

Now highlight and copy the PIN number from the Agent Assist session (you will notice the link icon is broken suggesting that the call is yet to be linked and made secure) : 

Switch back and enter or paste this PIN into Freedom (the hash is unrequired), then hit “Connect PCI” : 

This will create a secure connection, so now you can switch back to Agent Assist and begin to take a payment, you will see the link icon now reports the call is connected and phone icon is now green so you can continue : 

Now walk the customer through the payment process as devised by your business by taking any required information details (including the payment amount) before asking the customer to enter their card details using the keypad on their phone : 

Then once you’ve completed the payment process and the customer has successfully entered all the correct card details you can click on “process the payment” to submit the transaction, at which point your payment provider will inform you whether it was successful or not : 

Once you’re ready and happy click “Finish Session”, at this point the call is made un-secure again and you’re able to complete your call with the customer.


How do I sign into the Agent Assist?

Agent Assist will require the credentials that PCI Pal would have sent to you via email in order to login.

What do I do if I've entered my PIN incorrectly?

If you've entered your PIN in incorrectly, it's no issue, just press TAKE PAYMENT again and enter the PIN in again, nothing will happen to your session.

How I confirm I'm ready to instruct the customer to key in their card details?

The status of the secure connection is visible from Agent Assist, always ensure the phone icon is green before continuing, also if you hover your mouse over the icon it should also report that the call is secure after the PIN has been successfully submitted.

Why don't I have the ability to take a payment from Freedom?

PCI Payments relies on your user having a PCI license, check with your admin that your user has been configured with one.

Secondly, the service relies on the numbers that customers call in on to also be PCI enabled, again check with your admin that the numbers being dialled have been configured correctly.

Finally you may need to clear your browser's cache if you're making a payment for the first time and if the above points have addressed.

I need to take multiple payments is that okay?

Yes, you will just need to launch a new session per payment, meaning you will you need to enter a different PIN for each secure payment being made, just press the TAKE PAYMENT option from Freedom

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