Disabling Headset Advanced Exclusive Mode in Windows PC
  • 06 Feb 2024
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Disabling Headset Advanced Exclusive Mode in Windows PC

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Article Summary

This guide will show you how to disable "Headset Advanced Exclusive Mode" in Windows. 

Disabling this feature can help to resolve audio switch issues and allow for simultaneous audio playback.


  1. Open Sound Settings
  2. Access Sound Control Panel
  3. Disable Exclusive Mode for Your Headset
  4. Disable Exclusive Mode
  5. Confirm Changes
  6. Apply Changes in Sound Properties

1. Open Sound Settings

  1. Right-click on the speaker icon in the Windows taskbar.
  2. Select "Open Sound settings" from the context menu.

2. Access Sound Control Panel

In the Sound settings window, under the "Related Settings" section, click on "Sound Control Panel."

3. Disable Exclusive Mode for Your Headset

  1. In the Sound properties window, go to the "Playback" tab if it's not already selected.
  2. Locate your headset in the list of playback devices.
  3. Select your headset to highlight it.
  4. Click the "Properties" button located at the bottom right of the window.

4. Disable Exclusive Mode

  1. In the Properties window for your headset, go to the "Advanced" tab.
  2. Under the "Exclusive Mode" section, you will see options like "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" and "Give exclusive mode applications priority." Uncheck both options to disable exclusive mode.
  3. Click the "Apply" button to save your changes.

5. Confirm Changes

  1. Click the "OK" button in the Properties window to close it.

6. Apply Changes in Sound Properties

  1. Back in the Sound properties window (from Step 3), ensure you have clicked the "OK" button to save the changes you made for your headset.

Note: If you are still experiencing audio issues after disabling Headset Advanced Exclusive Mode, you may need to contact Natterbox Support ensuring you provide the necessary call examples for further review.

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