22.1.5. Digital Interaction Reporting
  • 13 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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22.1.5. Digital Interaction Reporting

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Article summary

What is Interaction Reporting?

Interaction Reporting is reportable data that is pushed into Salesforce that focuses on providing insight into what has happened to your conversations over an interval period. For example, if you have an Interval period of 2 hours the data will provide a summary for each conversation of what activity has happened over a 2 hour period. This will focus on all the different Interactions that happen within a conversation, an interaction is primarily around a message being sent and then focusing on areas such as:

  • Which User sent the message

  • Which Number the Message was sent From

  • Which Number the Message was sent To

  • The Contact responded

Enabling Interaction Reporting

To enable the Reporting Scheduled Job in Salesforce, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Home Tab

  2. Locate the Scheduled job labelled “Interactions Reporting”

  3. Press the Start Job button

  4. You will now see a loading indicator and the Start Job button will change to Stop Job



Interval Period

The Interval period determines the period in which the summary will be grouped by, this can be set to a minimum of 1 hour or a maximum of 48 hours.

The Interval period can be updated by doing the following:

  1. Navigate to the Account Settings Tab

  2. Click Edit at the top of the page

  3. Update the value for Reporting Interval (Hours) to be between 1 to 48

  4. Click Save

Fields and Descriptions


Salesforce Field (Label)



Natterbox User

The Natterbox User that has sent the message for this interaction.


The Method in which the conversation was initiated


Interval Start Time

The start time of the Interval

Interval End Time

The end time of the Interval

Interval Duration

The duration of the Interval in minutes


Keyword Opt In Count

The total sum of Keyword Opt Ins found during this Interval

Keyword Opt Out Count

The total sum of Keyword Opt Outs found during this Interval



The Channel in which the Interaction happened

Sender Type

The type of Sender, possible values are: Contact and User

Response Time

Minimum Response Time

The shortest time taken in seconds for the Sender Type to respond

Maximum Response Time

The longest time taken in seconds for the Sender Type to respond

Average Response Time

The average time taken in seconds for the Sender Type to respond


Text Messages

Count of text messages for this interval


Count of images for this interval


Count of audio files for this interval


Count of video files for this interval

Other Files

Count of other files for this interval

All Messages

Total count of all types of messages for this Interval

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