19.3. Prompt Template Library and Prompt Ideas
  • 17 Oct 2024
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19.3. Prompt Template Library and Prompt Ideas

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Article summary

AI Prompt Templates

There is so much that you can do with Natterbox AI prompts, but it can be hard to know where to start! We've packed this guide with example prompts to spark your creativity along with a list of fun things you can try.

Start with these general prompts, but we recommend you tailor them to fit your unique needs.

Tips for writing a good prompt can be found here: Prompt Engineering.

What’s in this Guide?

Below is a list of use cases that Natterbox AI can be used for with example prompts and tips on how to expand them to better fit your needs.

Use Cases

Call Rating

Provide a rating (1 through 10) for a particular part of a call:


Identify whether a something was or wasn’t said on a call (and potentially extract it if it was present):

  • Give a list of the next steps the agent and customer have after the call

  • Was a Support Ticket mentioned on the call?

  • Did the Agent obtain the customer’s name?

  • Did the agent get the customer’s site address?

  • Did the agent get or confirm the customer’s phone number?

  • Did the agent ask security questions at the beginning of the call?

  • Did the agent confirm the customer’s contact information?

  • Was the issue solved within the transcript?

  • Were our competitors discussed on the call?

  • Did the agent summarize the actions or next steps at the end of the call?

  • Did the Agent inform the customer that the call is being recorded?

  • If this was a new issue, did the agent provide the customer with a new ticket number?

  • Were credit card numbers discussed on the call?

  • Were Social Security Numbers discussed on the call?

  • Was a booking made on the call?

  • Was a contract discussed on the call?

  • Did the agent offer further assistance at the end of the call?

  • Did the agent offer to send a followup communication at the end of the call?

  • Were failure symptoms discussed? What were they?

  • Were repair diagnostics discussed? What were they?

  • Were the customers' pain points discussed on the call? What were they?

  • Were the the challenges the customer is facing discussed on the call? What were they?

  • Were the needs of the customer discussed on the call? What were they?

  • Did the Agent clearly communicate the company's value proposition?

  • Did the customer express objections on the call? What were they?

  • Did the Agent make negative comments about other teams, products, or services of my company?

  • Did the Agent set clear expectations for the customer?

  • Did the Agent ask about how the customer heard about [Company]?

  • Did the Agent discuss the cancellation policy?


Extract keywords from the call:

AI Translation

Translate and analyze the call:





Extra steps

Example Output


Agent Performance

As a call center quality assurance engineer please rate the agent’s performance on this call transcript. For the Reason, give me a list of things the agent did well and a list of things the agent could have done better on the call to maximize customer satisfaction.

You can ask the AI to rate your agent’s performance at a very high level, where the AI will decide for itself the most important pro’s and con’s of your agent’s conversations and produce a rating and a list, this can help provide a rough indicator of general performance of your agents

Rating: 5

Explanation: Things the agent did well:

- Greeted the customer politely and introduced himself

- Confirmed the customer's details accurately

- Acknowledged the customer's request and provided a clear resolution

- Checked if the customer had any other requests before ending the call

- Thanked the customer and wished them a great day

Things the agent could have done better:

- Provided a more detailed explanation for the terminated call to improve customer understanding

- Suggested alternative solutions or next steps if the original request could not be resolved

- Shown more empathy or offered additional assistance when the call was terminated


Agent Welcome

As a call center quality assurance engineer please rate the agent’s welcome on this call transcript.

Consider the following in your evaluation:

- Friendliness: Was the welcome warm and engaging?

- Politeness: Did the agent use polite forms of speech and ask the customer how they could help?

- Professionalism: Was the welcome in line with professional business etiquette?

- Slang: Mark the agent down if they use slang words or sayings. These are not appropriate in a business setting.


-If the agent fails to announce their name as part of the welcome, you must score the call 4 or lower.

-If the agent fails to ask a question similar to “How can I help today?”, you must score the call 4 or lower. It does not need to be this exact question but the agent must ask the customer how they can help.


Feel free to use bullet points if this makes your reasoning clearer.

You can also dig further into the specifics around your businesses’ conversations, in this example you can rate specifically the kind of welcomes your agents are meeting your customer’s with, this can be helpful if you’re aware of a specific area you want your agents to improve.

Expand the RULES section with any additional points that are important to your business (i.e. must mention your company name)

Rating: 6

Explanation: The agent's welcome was relatively professional, but could have been more warm and engaging. While the agent introduced themselves by name, they did not explicitly ask the customer how they could help or provide a clear invitation to assist. The agent's tone and phrasing was mostly polite, though the use of some informal language like "k" and "yep" slightly detracted from the professionalism. Overall, the welcome was functional but could have been stronger in demonstrating empathy and a desire to be truly helpful.


Customer Sentiment

Please rate the customer's average sentiment.

You don’t have to focus on just the agent, you can also rate the customer’s side of the conversation. You can use this prompt to get a rough idea of how positive your customers are when on the phone.

Rating: 8

Explanation: The customer's sentiment throughout the conversation was generally positive and polite. There was no use of profanity or any other inappropriate language. The customer was cooperative and appreciative of the agent's assistance in trying to resolve their query.


Rate the Agent’s Farewell

Look at the final statements made by the agent before the call's conclusion. Rate the farewell's quality on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 indicates a poor farewell that lacks friendliness, politeness, or alignment with professional business etiquette, and 10 indicates an exceptional farewell that excels in these areas.

You cannot give out a rating of 5 or higher unless the agent asked the customer if there was anything else they could help with.

Explain your reasoning and provide a few excerpts from the transcript that demonstrate the level of farewell shown by the agent. Feel free to use bullet points if this makes your reasoning clearer.

This will rate the quality of the farewell the the agent gave, and provides reasonings for said rating.

Based on the provided transcript, I would rate the quality of the agent's farewell as a 7 out of 10.


- The agent ended the call with a friendly and polite farewell, saying "No worries, have a nice day bye."

- However, the agent did not explicitly ask the customer if there was anything else they could help with before concluding the call. This is a key requirement for a rating of 5 or higher.

- The farewell was professional and aligned with business etiquette, but it lacked the extra step of checking if the customer had any other needs.

Relevant excerpts from the transcript:

- Agent: "Is there anything else I can help you with today?"

- Customer: "No that's all thanks"

- Agent: "No worries, have a nice day bye"

While the agent's farewell was generally positive, the lack of a final check-in with the customer prevents it from being rated as an exceptional farewell (5 or higher). A more complete farewell would have included the agent asking if there was anything else they could assist with before wishing the customer a good day.


Rate the nastiness of the call

Rate this call for the nastiness of the customer. If the customer is offensive and abusive to the agent, give the call a high rating

To get a high rating, the customer must be punitive, abusive, sweary, and insulting.

If the customer is simply frustrated or impatient, this can be given a lower score.

If the customer is pleasant and polite, give the call a low score.

If you are unable to determine the nastiness of the customer, return 'no rating' for the rating and explain your answer in the reason.

For the reason, please pull out examples from the transcript that back up your rating assessment.

Please indicate in as part of the reason if the customer used any swear words.

Please ignore the agent parts of the transcript when calculating your rating. Only use the customer parts of the transcript.

This will give a rating on how ‘nasty’ the customer was on a call, the higher the score the ‘nastier’ the behaviour of the customer.

Rating: 1

Reasoning: The customer was pleasant and polite throughout the interaction, without any use of swear words or abusive language. The customer simply expressed frustration with the Webphone issue, but was cooperative in trying the troubleshooting steps provided by the agent. There is no evidence of the customer being nasty, offensive, or abusive towards the agent.


Rate agent empathy

Please analyze the provided phone call transcript between the customer service agent and the customer. Look for signs that the agent is demonstrating empathy, such as:


-Acknowledging and validating the customer's feelings, situation or concerns. For example, the agent saying things like "I understand how frustrating this must be" or "I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you."

-Asking questions to better understand the customer's perspective and gather relevant details. For example, "Can you tell me more about what happened?" or "How has this issue impacted you?"

-Offering reassurance, support or a commitment to help resolve the issue. For example, "I'm here to help" or "Let's work together to get this fixed for you."

-Using a warm, caring and patient tone, even if the customer is upset. Look for a calm, measured speaking style with a focus on problem-solving.

-Avoiding judgment, arguments, or dismissing the customer's concerns. The agent should come across as open, receptive and focused on the customer.



After analyzing the transcript, please provide an empathy score for the agent on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being not at all empathetic and 10 being extremely empathetic. Explain your reasoning and provide a few excerpts from the transcript that demonstrate the level of empathy shown by the agent. Feel free to use bullet points if this makes your reasoning clearer.


This will rate the level of empathy that the agent had towards the customer.

The rules of this prompt are mostly focused around the service call use case and problem solving, if you wish to use this prompt for a sales use case you may need to amend the rules to better fit.

Rating: 7


- The agent demonstrated empathy by acknowledging the customer's issue and expressing concern ("Oh I'm sorry to hear that").

- The agent asked clarifying questions to better understand the problem ("What does the status of the Webphone currently say?") and gather relevant details.

- The agent provided a clear troubleshooting step and guidance on how to resolve the issue ("It may have lost its connection and failed to reconnect. Not to worry, it can be quickly resolved by closing down the Webphone and re-opening it.").

- The agent offered additional resources for future reference ("Also for future reference if you go to docs.natterbox.com have an article on the Webphone and how to troubleshoot if it gets stuck in future").

- The agent maintained a calm, professional, and helpful tone throughout the conversation.

However, the agent could have further demonstrated empathy by explicitly validating the customer's frustration (e.g., "I understand how frustrating it must be not to be able to make calls") and offering more reassurance or a commitment to resolve the issue (e.g., "Let's work together to get this fixed for you").


Rate the customer’s sentiment

Calculate the call rating as follows: For each customer speaking turn, calculate a sentiment rating. Only score the customer sections, not the agent sections. This score must be between 1 and 10.

1 is the most negative score.

5 is a neutral score.

10 is the most positive score.

Take the average of all the sentiment scores and use this as the Rating.

This will rate the average customer sentiment across the call, the higher the score the the greater the level of positivity.

Rating: 10

Reasoning: The conversation was professional, polite, and the agent was able to promptly resolve the customer's issue. There was no use of profanity, and the customer's sentiment appeared to be positive throughout the call.


Rate the agent’s questioning skills

I want you to rate how well the questioning skills of the agent in this call transcript. Rate the quality from 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst and 10 the best. Use the following criteria:

-Did the agent asked questions on the call?

-Did the agent ask questions that helped resolve the customers issue?

-Did the agent ask questions that are connected to the topic of conversation?

If the agent did ask questions on the call output the following for the reason: As a set of bulletpoints, provide the questions that were asked by the agent. For each question, indicate if it was on-topic or off-topic. For each question, also indicate if it contributed positively or negatively to the outcome of the call.

If the agent did not ask any questions on the call, output the following for the reason: "No questions asked".

This will rate how well the agent’s level of question making, and indicate whether the questions asked were relevant and effective at addressing the discussed issue.

If your agents follow a script or runbook that mandates certain questions should be asked, you may want to include said questions in the prompt criteria.

Rating: 8

Reasoning: The agent asked several relevant questions that helped resolve the customer's issue with the Webphone. The questions were on-topic and contributed positively to the outcome of the call.

Here are the questions asked by the agent:

- "Am I talking to Steve from ACME LIMITED?" - On-topic, contributed positively to the call.

- "What is your issue with the Webphone exactly?" - On-topic, contributed positively to the call.

- "What does the status of the Webphone currently say?" - On-topic, contributed positively to the call.

- "Any luck?" - On-topic, contributed positively to the call.

- "Are you able to try a test call?" - On-topic, contributed positively to the call.

The agent also provided a helpful suggestion for the customer to refer to the documentation on the Natterbox website for future troubleshooting, which further contributed to the positive outcome of the call.


Give a list of the next steps the agent and customer have after the call

Please analyze the call transcript between the agent and the customer. Are there any next steps for the agent or the customer? Only include next steps that need to happen after the call. Do not include next steps that were solved or completed on the call.

If neither the customer or the agent had any next steps, output a rating of 1.

If either the customer or the agent did have any next steps, output a rating of 10.

If the call has a rating of 10, output the next steps as the reason. Format this as a set of bullet points, one set for the agent, one set for the customer. Only include next steps that need to happen after the call. Do not include next steps that were solved or completed on the call.

If the call has a rating of 1, output "No Next Steps" as the reason.

This will produce a list of next steps for either the agent or customer after call. Note that all steps that have been identified and resolved during the call will be omitted. A rating of 1 means that no next steps are required and 10 means there are next steps required.

Rating: 10

Agent Next Steps:

- None

Customer Next Steps:

- Review the status of the numbers in the Natterbox app

- Review the guide on managing numbers in the account at docs.natterbox.com


Was a Support Ticket Mentioned on the call?

Please analyze the provided phone call transcript between the agent and the customer. Scan the transcript and extract any ticket numbers. You can identify ticket numbers in the transcript as they will start with a XYZ followed by further digits.


-If a ticket number was mentioned and it began with XYZ, give the call a rating of 10 and output the ticket number as the reason. For the reason, the ticket number you found in the transcript and no further text as part of the reason. The number MUST start with XYZ in order for you to rate the call a 10.

-If the ticket number was not present, give the call a rating of 1 and put "Ticket not given" as the reason. If you detected a ticket number but it did not start with 'XYZ' then you must give the call a rating of 1.


This will identify whether a ticket (such as a support ticket) was mentioned. A rating of 10 means a ticket was given and a rating 1 means no ticket was mentioned.

Replace ‘XYZ’ with the expected format of your business’s tickets

Rating: 10

Explanation: 001579


Did the agent obtain the customer’s name?

Please analyze the provided phone call transcript between the customer service agent and the customer. Did the agent obtain the customer's name during the call?


-If the agent obtained the customer's name, give the call a rating of 10 and output the name of the customer as the reason. For the reason, I want the name and no other text.

-If the agent did not get the customer's name, give the call a rating of 1 and put "Name not given" as the reason.


This will identify whether the agent was able to get the name of the customer. A rating of 10 means a name was given and a rating 1 means no name was mentioned.

Rating: 10

Reasoning: Steve Matty


Did the agent get the customer’s site address?

Your task is to analyze this transcript to try to find the customer's address. Follow these steps:

1. Read through the transcript carefully line by line. Look for the customer stating their  address or the agent confirming the customer's address.

2. Keep in mind that the full address may be split across multiple lines of dialogue. Piece together the street address, city, country, and zip code or post code as you find them to construct as much of the address as possible.

3. If you are able to find the customer's address anywhere in the transcript, return the

number '10' followed by the full address exactly as it appears in the transcript. Do not include any other explanations or text.

For example:



Reason:123 Main St, Anytown, CA 12345


4. If, after analyzing the entire transcript, you cannot find a clear mention of the customer's

address, return the number '1' followed by the text' No address found'. Again, do not include any other output.


Rating: 1

Reason: No address found


Remember, I only want you to return either the '10' followed by the found address or the '1'

followed by 'No address found', with no other text or explanations. Analyze the transcript carefully to find the address but do not make any guesses or assumptions.

This will identify whether the an address was given. A rating of 10 means an address was given and a rating 1 means no address was mentioned.

Rating: 10

Reasoning: 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA


Did the agent get or confirm the customer’s phone number?

Please analyze the provided phone call transcript between the customer service agent and the customer. Did the agent obtain the customer’s phone number?


-If the agent was able to obtain the customer’s number, give the call a rating of 10 and output the phone number as the reason. For the reason, I want the phone number and no other text.

-If the a phone number was not present, give the call a rating of 1 and put "Phone Number not given" as the reason.


This will identify whether the a phone number was given. A rating of 10 means a phone number was given and a rating 1 means no phone number was mentioned.

Rating: 10

Reasoning: 02035100999


Top Keywords

Give the call a rating of 5. For the reasoning give me a bullet point list of the 10 most interesting words from the transcript. Do not give me any other text.

Use the following to extract the most important keywords mentioned throughout a conversation, which can help to get a general idea of the key discussion points

You can amend the amount of words you wish to report back on as well as well create a qualifier for the type of words to be returned (i.e. return a list of the top keywords to do with a sale)

Rating: 5


- Interesting

- Connector

- Username

- Email

- Jobs

- Authentication

- Procedure

- Reschedule

- Production

- Restart


Pull out Customer Compliments

I need you to analyze this call transcript and identify any exceptional compliments given by the customer to the agent. We're looking for high-quality, quotable compliments that show significant appreciation and satisfaction. These compliments should express a high level of gratitude, admiration, or positive feedback that stands out from typical polite remarks.

Avoid flagging mundane or generic compliments that are common courtesies or simple acknowledgments of help. Focus on the compliments that could serve as powerful testimonials due to their enthusiastic and detailed nature.

If such a complement exists within the transcript, output a Rating of 10 and output the complements into the Reasoning. Output the complements only, no other text.

If no such complements are present on the call, output a Rating of 1 and output ""No Compliments"" into the Reasoning.

This return any compliments the customer gave. A rating of 10 means a compliment was given and a rating 1 means no compliment was given.

Rating: 10

Reasoning: "Wow, thank you so much!You've been incredibly helpful and made this process so easy."


Translation - Summarization

As a rating, you must give the call a score of 5. For the reason, provide a summary what happened on the call in 5 bullet points. Please include what the call was about and the steps that the agent took. Also, provide a summary of the outcome of the call. You must provide your response in [Chosen Language].

This will summarise the call in the chosen language.

Replace [Chosen Language] with the language you wish to translate to

Rating: 5


- La llamada se trató sobre un problema con el Webphone del cliente, donde no podía realizar llamadas.

- El agente identificó el problema y proporcionó los pasos necesarios para resolver el problema, como cerrar y volver a abrir el Webphone.

- El agente también proporcionó información adicional sobre dónde encontrar más recursos para solucionar problemas futuros con el Webphone.

- El cliente pudo resolver el problema y realizar una llamada de prueba con éxito.

- La llamada se resolvió de manera satisfactoria y el cliente quedó satisfecho con la ayuda proporcionada por el agente.

AI Translation

Translation - Sentiment

Please rate the customer's average sentiment.

Please return the reasoning in [Chosen Language].

This will provide the average sentiment of the call in the chosen language. Note this can be applied to all other prompts. The key part of the prompt is ‘Please return the reasoning in [Chosen Language].’

Replace [Chosen Language] with the language you wish to translate to

Rating: 3

Reasoning: La conversación tuvo un tono negativo con una interacción poco amistosa entre el agente y el cliente. El agente no mostró un esfuerzo por resolver el problema del cliente y no proporcionó ninguna guía o información útil. Esto resultó en una puntuación de sentimiento promedio baja, lo que se refleja en la calificación general de 3.

AI Translation

Categorize the call

For the Rating: Give this a score of 5. For the reasoning, I want you to apply the following logic:

I am looking to build a database of all my inbound support calls. For this database, I want to give every call a category based on the customer issue experienced. Please categorize this call based on the reason the customer was calling in. This should be no more than 3 words. Give me the category only. No other supporting text.

This will provider a category for the reason why the customer called in.

This prompt is mostly focused around the service call use case, if you wish to use this prompt for a sales use case you may need to amend the criteria to better fit.

Rating: 5

Reasoning: Number assignment


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