12.1.7. Reporting on Connected Rate per Month and Similar Reports
  • 10 May 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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12.1.7. Reporting on Connected Rate per Month and Similar Reports

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Article Summary

Using the PARENTGROUPVAL() formula you can create reports similar to the following examples:

  1. % Connected per Month (Using an existing field)

  2. % Connected (Using an existing field but only 1 grouping)

  3. % SLA Exceeded per Hour (Using a row-level formula)

  4. % Abandoned in Queue per Day (Using a bucket field)

For all of the examples, you can change the metrics and the timeframe, just make sure you adapt the formula to work for your use case.

% Connected per Month

  1. Create a report with the report type: Call Reporting

  2. Show me = All call reporting

  3. Change the date field from Conversation Answer Time > Call Reporting: Created Date and set the value to 'Current CY'

  4. Filter on Call Direction = Inbound and From Natterbox User = " " (blank)

  5. Group by Conversation Start Time and then From Call Type

  6. Click the dropdown next to Conversation Start Time and select 'Group Date By...' > 'Calendar Month'

  7. Add a summary formula:

    1. Column Name: Connected % 

    2. Formula Output Type = Percentage

    3. Formula:


    4. Display: Selected Groups, Row Group: From Call Type

    5. Apply!

  8. Toggle off: Detail Rows

  9. Save & Run > give it a name and save it in the appropriate folder.

  10. Optional:

    1. Add in Time Talking, From Call Queue Total Wait Seconds, etc, to see other time metrics on the same report

Here is what the report might look like:

% Connected

  1. Create a report with the report type: Call Reporting

  2. Show me = All call reporting

  3. Change the date field from Conversation Answer Time > Call Reporting: Created Date and set the value to 'THIS MONTH' or ‘THIS WEEK’

  4. Optional: filter on Call Direction = ‘Inbound’ and/or ‘Outbound’ or you can include all calls.

  5. Group by From Call Type

  6. Toggle off: Detail Rows

  7. Add a summary-level formula

    1. Column Name: Connected % 

    2. Formula Output Type = Percentage

    3. Formula:


    4. Display: Selected Groups, Row Group: From Call Type

    5. Apply!

  8. Save & Run > give it a name and save it in the appropriate folder.

Here is what the report might look like:

For more information on reports similar to this, see this Salesforce guide.

% SLA Exceeded per Hour

  1. Create a report with the report type: Call Reporting

  2. Show me = All call reporting

  3. Change the date field from Conversation Answer Time > Conversation Start Time and set the value to 'TODAY'

  4. Filter on From Call Queue Last Queue not equal to " " (blank)

  5. Add a row-level formula (or it could be a new field on the Call Reporting object with the same formula):

    1. Column Name: Exceeded SLA?

    2. Formula Output Type: Text

    3. Formula:

      IF(nbavs__CallReporting__c.nbavs__From_Call_Queue_Total_Wait_Seconds__c >60, "Yes","No")

    4. Apply

  6. Group by Hour and then Exceeded SLA?

  7. Add the field From Call Queue Total Wait Seconds

  8. Create a summary formula:

    1. Column Name: SLA % 

    2. Formula Output Type = Percentage

    3. Formula:


    4. Display: Selected Groups, Row Group: Exceeded SLA?

    5. Apply!

  9. Toggle off: Detail Rows

  10. Save & Run > give it a name and save it in the appropriate folder.

Here is what the report might look like:

% Abandoned in Queue per Day

  1. Create a report with the report type: Call Reporting

  2. Show me = All call reporting

  3. Change the date field from Conversation Answer Time > Conversation Start Time and set the value to 'THIS WEEK' or 'THIS MONTH'

  4. Filter on From Call Queue Last Queue not equal to " " (blank)

  5. Add the field From Call Queue Last Disposition

  6. Click the dropdown next to the field From Call Queue Last Disposition and select 'Bucket This Column':

    1. Bucket Name: Handled vs Abandoned

    2. Create the two buckets: Abandoned and Handled

    3. For the 'Abandoned' bucket, add these values

      1. HANGUP


      3. ABANDONED

      4. TIMEOUT

    4. For the 'Handled' bucket, add this values

      1. ANSWERED

        Note: you might not use all these values, for example 'ABANDONED_CALLBACK' will only populate if you have enabled callbacks in your call queue. To understand what the values mean, see this guide. You might want to change how the values are bucketed for your business. 

    5. Apply

  7. Group by Call Reporting: Created Date and then Handled vs Abandoned

  8. Create a summary formula:

    1. Column Name: % Abandoned

    2. Formula Output Type = Percent

    3. Formula:


      'CUST_CREATED_DATE'  is added by clicking the Grouping Date field

    4. Display: Selected Groups, Row Group: Handled vs Abandoned

    5. Apply!

  9. Toggle off: Detail Rows

  10. Save & Run > give it a name and save it in the appropriate folder.

Here is what the report might look like:

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