4.1. Understanding Freedom Mobile Test Connection Results
  • 21 May 2024
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4.1. Understanding Freedom Mobile Test Connection Results

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Article summary

Introduction to Test Connection

Freedom Mobile 2.10 and above allows users to test their connection to the Natterbox servers to give them a indication of the expect call quality if they were to make a call with the same network conditions.

A test can be run by pressing the Test my connection button in the settings tab 

The test takes 30 seconds to run, at the end of the test users will get their results displayed on the screen - an example of the results users will see is below:

This article will explain the possible scores and provide information on the expected call quality for different scores.

Very Good

Score: 85-100

This is a very good score. We expect that calls you make and receive from this device will be of high quality. 


Score: 75-85

This is a good score. We would expect that calls you make and receive from this device would be of a good quality. 


Score: 60-75

This is an average score. We would expect that calls you make and receive from this device would be of an acceptable quality. However, we have detected that your signal strength is not consistent and small changes in your location may adversely affect the quality of your calls. 

Below Average

Score: 50-60

This is a below average score. We would expect that calls you make and receive from this device may have some quality issues. We expect that you will be able to conduct calls but may experience some dropouts or low quality audio. If you are planning to run a high volume of calls, we recommend moving to a new location and trying this test again.


Score: Less than 50

This is a poor score. We would expect that calls you make and receive from this device are likely to have call quality issues. Calls may be dropped or have periods of poor audio. We recommend moving to a new location and trying this test again before making and receiving calls. 

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