25.3. Wallboards FAQ and Troubleshooting
  • 18 Jan 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
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25.3. Wallboards FAQ and Troubleshooting

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Article summary

Q1. How to prevent timeouts for Wallboard on public display

When using the Wallboards for public display purposes it’s recommended to create a read-only link and run it from a new tab (i.e. outside of Salesforce). This way Wallboards will not be impacted when the Salesforce session expires and will continue to operate.

Q2. Service AVS Error Logs, what do they mean?

If users encounter certain service related issues with Wallboards these will be logged within AVS (navigate AVS App -> Admin Home -> Error Logs).

Each error log should also report on the user(s) being affected and how often.

Most errors will be a one off and a result of temporary connection errors, but if anything is repeated, especially if it involves issues saving and loading from the Natterbox service then the error is best raised with Natterbox.

Error : Load Wallboards / Loads Wallboards config - Network Error

Likely a temporary connection related issue which results in the user’s request to load a Wallboard to fail and they would likely see the following when trying to load a Wallboard :

Error : Wallboard errors log - The User [X] with ID [Y] had (failed to connect to Natterbox) in the past 10 minutes

This indicates a Natterbox service issue whereby Salesforce and Natterbox have lost connection, likely a temporary connection issue.

Error : Wallboard errors log - The User [X] with ID [Y] had {403} in the past 10 minutes

This indicates that the user has had a connection dropout, they would likely see the following when trying to view wallboards :

Error : Wallboard errors log - User [X] with ID [Y] attempted to access Wallboard/Wallboard Group which is not allowed

This indicates a user does not have access to a Wallboard or Wallboard Group, but they’ve been able to use the URL to try and access it, so the most likely scenario would be if access was granted and later revoked.

Error : Wallboard errors log - User [X] with ID [Y] is not able to save Wallboard/Wallboard Group

The save action has failed, this could be down to a sudden permission change, it’s best to check that the affected user has the right level of access.

Error : Wallboard errors log - User [X] with ID [Y] is not able to load Wallboard/Wallboard Group

Loading a wallboard or group has failed, this could also be down to a sudden permission change, it’s best to check that the affected user has the right level of access.

Another reason could be that the wallboard or group has been removed, either the user was viewing an outdated list when trying to access a wallboard or a user has access to a URL to a wallboard which no longer exists.

Error : Wallboard errors log - A Wallboard/Wallboard Group is no longer able to update from the backend

The save action has failed, this could be down to a sudden permission change or more likely a service issue between Salesforce and Natterbox.

How do non-Salesforce users access the wallboards?

Non-Salesforce users need to be configured with a Salesforce Chatter Free licence before they can access Wallboards.

They will then use these Salesforce Chatter Free credentials to log in to Wallboards.

How do I match data between wallboards and the Natterbox Call Reporting Objects?

See here for details of how to retrieve the same information from the Natterbox Call Reporting Object from within Salesforce.

How do I sign in with SSO from a Wallboard Read-Only link?

If your organisation has SSO enabled in their Salesforce account, in order to login using your SSO provider e.g. Google, LinkedIn etc) from a Wallboard Read-Only link you will need to do the following :

  1. Click Sign in from the Natterbox Login page

  1. Select Use Custom Domain from the Salesforce login page

  1. Enter your company’s Salesforce domain name and click Continue

  1. Log into Wallboard’s using the SSO provider as set by your organisation

Note if you have already signed into Salesforce within another tab (with or without using SSO) if you then open a read-only link afterwards you will be automatically logged in without any prompt.

Why does my Wallboard say Error 404?

If you find an error 404 message when trying to access a Wallboard, it means that particular Wallboard can longer be found, this can be for two reasons :

  • The Wallboard has since been deleted (by an admin)
  • The Wallboard was never actually saved

What happens if I delete a Wallboard that is used in a wallboard group?

Deleting a wallboard that is associated with a wallboard group will remove the wallboard from the step it was associated with and introduce an artificial 30 second delay. It’s therefore recommended to review the groups which featured this wallboard to tidy up the steps and prevent this delay.

I cannot see the Wallboards tab in AVS, why is this?

If this happens, please ensure you have the most recent Natterbox package installed. This can be found on the Salesforce appexchange here.

My user is in wrap up but is being sent another call, why is this?

Wrap up time is specific to the individual call queue rather than the agent. This means that agents may still receive a call from any other call queue they have been assigned to, meaning they will also continue to receive internal calls and direct dial calls when on wrap up.

Can I align my agents to an office floor plan?

This isn’t something that is available with wallboards.

How do I migrate my old Natterbox wallboards to the new wallboards?

At present this is a manual process that will mean you will have to duplicate the settings from your old wallboards onto the new.

How can I ensure that a user only has access to a single wallboard and is not able to see other wallboards?

Providing a user with a read-only wallboard URL will ensure that user has access to just that specific wallboard. The read-only view stops the user from navigating to any other wallboard as well as preventing the user from changing the wallboard’s configuration.

Access can also be revoked by disabling the URL link from the wallboard settings.

Why do the avatars of my agents disappear sometimes?

These disappear if the user’s Salesforce session has expired. To resolve the issue, the user simply needs to log out and back into Salesforce.

Can I change the branding on the wallboards?

The branding for Wallboards is currently not configurable.

Can I download data from the wallboard?

Currently data on when users log in and out of their groups or change their Availability State can be exported as a CSV file from the Agent Login and Agent Status components of the configuration settings.

How close to realtime is the wallboard?

Wallboards update every two seconds. The response from the server depends on multiple factors like:

  • internet speed
  • time until the server answers to the request
  • how many requests are made

What’s the maximum number of results I can see on the Agent Login component?

The maximum value is 100 - users will see a message telling them to limit the value to no more than 100 if they try to exceed this.

Not all the agents are showing up in my Agent List - why is this?

Ensure that the selected queue is the one you want to look at. It is possible for agents to be associated with multiple queues, so please double check the Agent List configuration to be sure.

Additionally, if an agent has been recently created and associated with a call queue, this queue may not be up-to-date. The queue gets updated every time a call goes into the queue and you will need to perform a page refresh.

Some components ask me to select a group while others ask me to select a call queue. What is the difference between the two?

A group is a set of agents, whereas a call queue can dial a set of groups.

When viewing calls going into a queue you will be asked to select a queue which will return all groups associated with that queue and all the agents associated with those groups.

When viewing stats on when users log in / out or stats on all calls from agents, you will be asked to select a group as these stats are agnostic to call queues.

Why can’t I add more wallboards to my wallboards group?

There is a limit of 10 wallboards to a single wallboard group - after this it’s recommended to either:

  • create more wallboard groups
  • add further components to the individual wallboards

to display more information.

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